Wednesday, 20 December 2006

The fuck I will, you dag nabbed peanut snatchers, you pansy eating philatropists, you bucket shelling bullocks mongering beatles! I don't give a ham-dam-shmam-pam-hoot who you're talking 'bout in your representations. I'll have you know, right here, right now, that I genuinely don't give a bone fide boner who you are, or what you're about. Damn granny-groping saggy-tit tugging lunatics. If you think for one moment i'm going to be phased by your so called "momentary lapse of judgement" which some how allowed you to nibble on the nasty ninety-nine year old nipples of a none-too-true nebraskan nanny, I will tell you something else! There is NO WAY in a hoot-hollering hasty half-witted moment that I would believe anything you have to say anyhow. All I can say is this: THE FUCK I KNOW, THE FUCK I CARE, WHERE BE'S THE BEER BUY? FUCK.

Thursday, 14 December 2006


"Gosh Batman, it's a good thing you thought to bring the empty alphabet soup bat-container!"

Like, how the fuck did he say that with a straight face?

Wednesday, 13 December 2006

nan•dro•lone |ˈnandrəˌlōn|
an anabolic steroid with tissue-building properties, used unlawfully to enhance performance in sports.

As in Does this nandrolone work on penises? Not that I need it, I'm just curious. 'Cause my friend told me he has a small dick. Uh. My friend.
nae•vus |ˈnēvəs|
noun ( pl. naevi)
a birthmark or a mole on the skin, esp. a birthmark in the form of a raised red patch

As in Yes, my penis may be likened to a small naevus.

Thought for the day:

Okay, I want to pre-empt this post by clarifying that I'm not in anyway a racist, nor prejudicial toward any group, community, faith &c. &c.; however, what the heck is with foreign drivers, who already are driving impaired, learning from other drivers who are driving impaired? Yes, I'm referring to the offshore immigrants who learn to drive from people of the same continental persuation. WTF. That's like me going to London, getting my licence and learning to drive from some Texan who knows just as little as I do about the whole damn thing. I spent an hour and a half fighting my way, white-knuckled through stop and go traffic with the worst damned drivers I've ever seen in my life. The freaking commute would take easily 40 minutes less if people could freaking drive. I should have bought a GO pass.