Tuesday, 12 December 2006

ma•lin•ger |məˈli ng gər|
verb [ intrans. ]
exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape duty or work.

As in My dearest spouse malingered through our intimate moments until all that remained was a collection of porn, and a worn out tube sock.


jay-cawk said...

im going to link you
moses! heh.

jay-cawk said...

stupid google account with no profile
ask raymi she will tell you i am not a freak or maybe but i think i am not. i like genoa prolly like you like adam west.

Art Wardell III said...

genoa? as in a fore-sail, the sausage, or the city? Because i've got to tell you, I like the sausage. Uh. Genoa Sausage, of course that's what I meant.

jay-cawk said...

genoa as in salami.
i like sausage too and salami
you are funny. you are now my friend. duh duh duh

Art Wardell III said...

d-uh tanks friend, i will hug you and kiss you and call you george

jay-cawk said...

"...and pet me the wrooooong way"
i used to love the looney tunes