Monday, 11 December 2006

Thought for the day:

If all the good ones are gay, taken or like Josh Hartnett and completely unobtainable, why am I single? Theoretically I ought to be handing out numbered tickets. Here I am, a perfectly normal, level-headed and well adjusted person, yet totally surrounded by losers. Whether you're gay or straight, it can only be said that the grass is greener on the other side. The point I suppose I'm trying to make is that should you feel down and alone, perhaps useless and unloved, you ought to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Life is too short to spend it worrying about finding that special someone, because there's a good chance you've passed by so many of them without even realizing it. Love is blind, and unfortunately, so is anyone who's avidly looking for it. Don't worry, be happy, can seem easier said than done, and I know that all to well; however, stand tall and persevere! Love is fleeting sometimes, and eternal others.

If anyone reads this, and feels so compelled, I'd like to hear what some other people feel about love. That'll be the mystery word for today, that and dildo.


murl said...

ugghgh. i refer to that word you mentioned as "the L word." and im not talking about dildo.

yeah, never had it. been told it, but never said it back. scared that i never will. too picky? too scared? too many cats? who knows.

Art Wardell III said...

I think it's the cats. Cat's have that affect on people. Then again, so do dildos. Thanks for your comment, I'm sure you'll find yourself saying that dirty word at least once; I'm hoping no one deserves a fate without love.