Monday, 11 December 2006

What me raymi says, I does

Alright, here it is: the very first of many mundane and pointless blogs left by an insignificant pimple on the butt-cheeks of the world. Seriously though, raymi (raymi's blog) advised me to start a blog after my failed attempts at becoming popular using my msn space.

A little about myself? Well, I'm cautious; insecure; most likely a little bit "touched"; and have a terrible fear of bright colours. I don't expect this to take off, nor do I intend on making friends: no, my goal here is to propagate my bitterness and hatred of all things sun-shiny.

My first topic? Love. Love is for wieners; at least love should involve a wiener, unless of course you happen to be a lesbian (this comment is not defamatory toward homosexual women in anyway, and should not be taken as such).

Second topic? Screw you, you cheating infidelate, sorry little fudge face, you completely destroyed every ounce of human decency you had, if any of course, for the sake of a little extra-curricular fun.

Third topic? A most sincere apology to all the cheating infidelate, sorry little fudge faces who may have been offended by the previous topic; however, you deserve every word of it.


Raymi Lauren said...

thanks for that game of kissing tag on saturday and for pretending to be bad at running.

Art Wardell III said...

Yeah, sorry about that. I just felt particularly lonely; and you're my number two for sweet makeout sessions, since Josh Hartnett is apparently unaware that he loves me.